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Gold Seal of Excellence

Gold Seal Designation

In 1996, the Florida Legislature established the Gold Seal Quality Care program to acknowledge child-care facilities and family day care homes that have gone above the required minimum licensing standards to become accredited by recognized agencies whose standard reflect quality in the level of care and supervision provided to children.

Accreditation with designation as a Gold Seal Quality Care program demonstrates a level of educational professionalism and commitment to quality standards that surpass the broad benchmarks of health and safety. These programs go beyond the required standards that all Child Care Facilities must comply with as they continue to pursue excellence. The Association for Independent Schools of Florida joins with the Gold Seal Quality Care program with an in-depth Self-Study program based on established standards, combined with a detailed inspection process that will guide the child-care facility to meeting the high standards necessary to become a Gold Seal Quality Care program.

The AISF Early Childhood Accreditation Process with Gold Seal Quality Care designation:

Qualifications required to begin the Gold Seal Accreditation process:

If your institution meets one of the following criteria, you are qualified to begin the accreditation process, because the center or school has already passed a Level One health and safety inspection by the AISF Reviewer or DCF. These institutions can proceed to the application:

»School/Center currently accredited with AISF

»ECE program holding a current state child-care licensure.


Private School that is not currently a member or accredited by AISF

Before a school/center can begin the Gold Seal Accreditation process, the school/center must become a recognized member school of AISF

Child Care Facility that does not currently hold a Religious Exemption Certificate with AISF or is not licensed through DCF:

»Before a Child Care Center can begin the Gold Seal Accreditation process, AISF must first verify that the program and facility meet the Level One Health and Safety standards. Even though the program may hold a Religious Exemption Certificate, compliance with the AISF standards must be verified by an on-site inspection.

AISF Gold Seal Forms:

Handbook For The Recognition of Early Childhood Education Programs and Schools

Click on the link: AISF CIECE Handbook 2024

Infant and Early Childhood Education (IECE) Accreditation Program In-Compliance – Not In-Compliance Report

Click on the link: AISF IECE IC-NIC Form FINAL

AISF Gold Seal Application

If your School is not currently accredited by AISF please click on this link to submit and application: https://aisfl/apply


If your School is accredited by AISF please click on this link to apply for Gold Seal Status: https://aisfl/gold-seal-request


If you need additional information about becoming an AISF Gold Seal Quality Care Program provider, contact AISF at: