SWD For All Educators
AISF is pleased to again sponsor SWD for all Educators. The class will fulfill the credit needed for the Florida initial or renewal teacher certification requirement for Students With Disabilities awareness. This class will be virtual and is open to all member schools who are part of the AISF Master In-service Program.*
The class will be conducted by Dr. Carole Repensek on Sunday, April 27, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The registration fee is $80.00 per participant. Registration is available on the AISFL.COM website. Please contact Dr. Repensek directly at carolerepensek@rivieraschools.com for any inquiries concerning this class.
* AISF Master In-service Program is available to all AISF Schools. Please see the AISF website for more information about the benefits of joining the AISF Master In-service Program.
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